Monday, July 1, 2013


kegembiraan tidak akan selalu berkekalan, begitu juga dengan kesedihan.. jika dibiar kesedihan berlarutan, lama-lama akan memakan diri.. selagi mana nafas belum terhenti, selama itu jugalah manusia akan diuji. susah atau senang, suka atau duka, itu semua lumpah kehidupan.. Last two week, when I was ON vacation, in different countries and different climates, I brought myself away from thinking to much about 'unhappiness' matters. Suddenly, when the emptiness took a large room in my heart I lost motivation to do anything, just sadness, sleeping and Candy Crush Saga games on FB, unable to study or do anything meaningful.. I'm scared, if I can't finish my study on time and I am even scared of myself for being single forever till death..

Ya Rabbi, please give me strength to overcome all these!!

 "Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bilkhoir. Birohmatikaya Arhamarrohimin."

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